Polo school costs

Coaching league plays chukkers every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday during the summer at 6pm in the evening. Students are suggested to sign up for 2 classes a week for a 4 week period. Horses are provided and instructors are on the field coaching and hitting the ball up to people. 

Prices are for either 4 or 8 coaching lessons over a 4 week period. You’re able to make up sessions due to rain or prescheduled absence. 

Coaching league sessions can also be used for individual lessons for the player wanting individual attention. Lessons can focus on improving a players riding or hitting.

Coaching League - Single lesson

Single coaching league or private lesson for individual.

Coaching League - 1 day/week

Coaching league with 1 day a week in a 4 week period for a total of 4 lessons. Make up days allowed due to weather or scheduling needs.

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Coaching League - 2 days/week

Coaching league with 2 days a week in a 4 week period for a total of 8 lessons. Make up days allowed due to weather or scheduling needs.

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If you want more riding practice sign up for stick & ball sessions during the week. The practice field is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 1-4pm or Thursday evening.

When you’re ready to graduate to playing games on the main field, you can lease the school horses on the weekends. Horses are $100/chukker and include tack and a groom. Tournaments at Seattle Polo Club are 4 chukkers both on Saturday and Sunday so you’ll need to sign up for 8 chukkers to play a tournament game. If you’d prefer club chukkers, you can sign up for 2 or more and we’ll schedule you in practice chukkers.


Coaching League - stick and ball 4 sessions

Stick and ball is a great way to improve your riding and hitting. Each session lasts 1 hour and includes 2 horses. Each horse can last 20 minutes maximum when cantering. Stick and ball sessions are on the practice field Thursday after 1pm or Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 1 and 5 pm.

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Weekend Horse Leasing

Play club chukkers and tournaments on the weekend with the polo school string. price is per chukker and includes horse and tack. Tournament games are 4 chukkers. Add the number of chukkers you want to schedule for the entire weekend to the cart.

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